Once upon a time Contact Connection started off as an experiment. We wanted to provide contact lens wearers with a convenient and cost effective way of replenishing their supply of contacts. And like with many experiments, we tried new things, we 'failed' many times, but we innovated and learnt from our 'mistakes'. The result today? A small, innovative and completely Australian company, that's committed to providing a more convenient and inexpensive way to order your contacts online. We're proud of our humble roots. We're fair, we find it rewarding helping customers and we understand people. We have fun innovating and venturing into new territories. We learn from criticism and every testimonial becomes trophy on our virtual wall of success.
We believe our experiment is going well, so we've decided to try something new, and provide customers with our new eyewear range. We don't know if it will work but we know it'll be fun. This is great news for you because not only do you now have access to quality eyewear, which is carefully selected from trustworthy brands - you also experience...drum roll... the same exceptional service that every single one of our customers has enjoyed since their first order with us.
So 16 years later, our journey continues and we're loving every single moment of it. An intelligent man named Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." Which pretty much sums up how we got here. So we challenge you to experiment, just like we did. Give us a try, you won't be disappointed =)